Kernels are files containing information relating to objects in space.
Official documentation¶
The NAIF website has a lot of indepth information about kernels.
(path='.', recursive=True, followlinks=False, force_reload=False)¶ Load a kernel file or all kernel files in a directory tree.
Meta-kernels are not supported, because they would be parsed internally by the C-framework, therefore ignoring the feautures for time window extraction.
Parameters: path: str, optional
Relative or absolute path to the kernel file/directory.
recursive: bool, optional
Search subdirectories for kernel files.
followlinks: bool, optional
Follow symbolic links.
force_reload: bool, optional
Reload already loaded kernel files. By default an error is raised if a kernel file is already loaded.
Returns: kernels: set of Kernel
The loaded kernels.
Raises: ValueError
If the kernel file is already loaded.
If no files were loaded.
See also
- More controllable way to load single files.
- Unload kernels.
(path, extension=None, force_reload=False)¶ Load a single kernel file. Allows non-standart extensions.
Meta-kernels are not supported, because they would be parsed internally by the C-framework, therefore ignoring the feautures for time window extraction.
Parameters: path: str
Relative or absolute path to the kernel file.
extension: str, optional
Use the provided extension instead of the extension of the file.
force_reload: bool, optional
Reload already loaded kernel files. By default an error is raised if a kernel file is already loaded.
Returns: Kernel
The loaded kernel.
Raises: ValueError
If the kernel file is already loaded.
If no files were loaded.
(path='.', recursive=True, followlinks=False)¶ Unload a kernel file or all kernel files in a directory tree.
Parameters: path: str, optional
Relative or absolute path to the kernel file/directory.
recursive: bool, optional
Search subdirectories for kernel files.
followlinks: bool, optional
Follow symbolic links.
Returns: kernels: set of kernel
The unloaded kernels.
See also
- Load multiple files.
- More controllable way to load single files.
(path, kernel_type, force_reload=False)¶ A loaded kernel file.
The constructor should never be used directly. Use one of the methods in the See also section.
Parameters: path: str
Relative or absolute path to the kernel file/directory.
kernel_type: {‘sp’, ‘c’, ‘pc’, ‘f’, ‘ls’, ‘sc’}
Used to identify what information the kernel is holding and how to load it.
force_reload: bool, optional
Reload already loaded kernel files. By default an error is raised if a kernel file is already loaded.
Raises: ValueError
If the kernel file is already loaded.
See also
- Load multiple files.
- More controllable way to load single files.
- Unload kernels.
classattribute LOADED: set of Kernel All loaded kernels. classattribute TIMEWINDOWS_POS: dict of int -> list Maps a list of start-end-tuples for all known time windows of its position to the id of a Body. classattribute TIMEWINDOWS_ROT: dict of int -> list Maps a list of start-end-tuples for all known time windows of its rotation to the id of a Body. path: str Absolute path to the kernel file. name: str Filename of the kernel file. type: {‘sp’, ‘c’, ‘pc’, ‘f’, ‘ls’, ‘sc’} Identifier for kernel loading mechanism. info: {‘pos’, ‘rot’, ‘none’} What kind of spatial information the kernel contains. ids: set of int The IDs of all bodies about which the kernel has information. Methods