Time **** spiceminer ships its own time implementation to allow custom features and more consistency than the standart datetime module. Differences to datetime ======================= It's a float: That means it can be used in range functions that support floats like ``numpy.arange`` or ``numpy.linspace``. It also supports all arithmetical operations, allowing much simpler calculations like ``Time(2015) + 20`` to add 20 seconds instead of having to generate a new object explicitly. It also has constants for minute, hour, and day to simpliefy use in range functions. For example ``numpy.arange(Time(2000), Time(2001), Time.DAY)`` produces an array with each entry representing a day in the year 2000. Day of year: Time has constructor and attribute for handling day of year instead of handling month, day, hour, etc. seperately. No timezones: You don't have to handle conversion to UTC and timezone related weirdness. API === .. module:: spiceminer .. autoclass:: Time :members: